It's possible to use credit cards for nearly every expense today. It's difficult to believe that only 5-10 years ago, almost all major fast-food chains and doctor offices didn't accept credit cards for payment. carders forum More places are realizing that plastic is the new currency. American Express and a mortgage company have partnered up to make it possible for you to pay your mortgage with a card. The IRS is accepting credit card payments as well.
Let's assume that between all the things you need to spend money on in your life, you spend 25k-40k, or 100k annually. Earn rewards for all this spending. The credit card message boards such as the one below provide great tips on maximising your benefits. There are many incentives available, including 1% cashback for all purchases and 5% cashback in certain categories, such as gas, office supplies, etc. You might even be able to earn money back from things you already purchase.
At the time of writing, this website offers a free credit-card with 5% cashback on most popular categories like gas and 1% for everything else. The card will give you an extra $1000, $3000 and more depending on how you spend each year. Take advantage of such free money. It's almost like your boss giving an extra 2% bonus each year. You would earn enough money to go on a vacation if you had an average salary of $50k-75k annually.
You should be careful when selecting a rewards card. First, there shouldn't be an annual fee. Second, rewards should be easy-to-redeem. Credit card companies often make it difficult for customers to redeem points. To get honest feedback from others, it is important that you check online credit card forums. The third thing is that you don't have to spend any money before earning points. Earn cash back on all your purchases, no matter how small or large. hacking forums These criteria are met by many credit cards, including those from American Express, Visa MasterCard, MasterCard and Discover.
It's generally more sensible to get cash back than simple rewards. When you choose to receive rewards, such electronics or other merchandise, the value of the reward is often less than if the reward was cash back. It's a good idea to cash in the reward. It's okay to want a free television, but you shouldn't accept the offer from the rewards department. Buy it yourself, you'll get more bang than your buck.