YouTube is only one part of video marketing. Your job as an online marketer doesn’t end once your video has been posted. You need a strategy to help search engines find your YouTube spot. Here are some suggestions that most people don’t know about.
Include annotations to your video. Annotations are small boxes that appear after you start to watch the video. youtube klicks kaufen Log in to YouTube, then go to “account manager”. There you will find a list of all your videos. Hit the edit key on the video you’re working on. You’ll see the “annotations” button at the top. This button is what you will need to click. Hit the “add annotations” button on the next screen. This will allow you to choose from a number of options. Pick one. Now you’ll have a text box in which to enter your content. Always start with your keyword phrases. You can then enter any information that you wish the viewer might be interested in. You can also select the time in which you would like the annotation to begin or stop. Then hit the “publish” button. Your keyword can be added to the annotation box, helping search engines to find it. Your ranking will increase the more videos you funnel to one keyword.
Click on the Video tab in your Account Manager Section. Change the caption settings for YouTube to increase views. YouTube will write a description of your video to put in the transcript file. YouTube does a terrible task with this. Once you’re at the page of the video that interests you, click on “captions”. You can either create the transcript on your personal computer and upload it directly to YouTube. Or you can copy the text directly from YouTube. You will also have to enter a “track title.” The track name must be the keyword phrase. This will aid search engines to find your videos. You’re done!
You have the option to allow people to comment on your account manager section, by clicking the advanced settings tab located under your video. Make sure you have the “allow audio responses” checkbox. this website If you have a lot more views than usual, people will want a tag to show their appreciation. Promoting your videos in other comment sections is one of the best ways to increase views. I recommend that people do the same with your videos. It will help you get more views.