It is easy to get so focused on your book, magazine articles, or book proposal that your creativity and imagination start to dry up. You start to feel stale in your writing and your ideas become predictable. This is when you need to change your perspective and see the world and writing from a different angle. It is important to replenish your creative well. authors coach
It's great to be able to go on a retreat for writers. You don't need to. You can take a short break at home. Change your writing habits for a few days or longer. Try experimenting with different writing exercises instead of writing your manuscript. Freewrite, guided exercises, and play with poetry. Let loose and let go of your editor. Write freely without worrying about the results. They're just writing exercises.
Writing exercises are not just for beginners. Writing exercises are not just for beginners. Great writers have shared how they used them to improve their writing skills and to learn new techniques. Every artist practices. Opera singers sing, concert pianists play the piano, and batters go to the batting cages. Swimmers do laps. Returning to basics is a great way to refresh, renew, and strengthen. authors 21 day challenge
All your writing exercises, even ones that make you cringe, should be kept in one place. Clients often receive short, well-timed writing exercises that they can do in between sessions. They are often surprised at the power and creativity in pieces they once hated when they read them to you the next time we meet. You'll discover words, phrases, and entire paragraphs that you can use in any project you are working on when you look over your exercises. Over time you will be able see how your ideas change and develop, and your skills becoming stronger. After your mini-retreat is over, continue to do writing exercises every day. For the pure joy of writing, take 10-20 minutes to finish your mini-retreat, article, essay or short story. It's similar to warming up your car on a cold morning. Because your creativity is primed, your writing will flow effortlessly.